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Kentucky Association for College Admission Counseling

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KACAC -- “The Founding Years”
The development and growth of the Kentucky Association of Secondary and College Admission Counselors (KASCAC) to its present stature as a dynamic organization for secondary and college counselors is deeply rooted in the strong commitment made by a group of college admission officers.  The first organizational group to discuss the birth of a new organization did not include any secondary school personnel.  Nevertheless, the central focus was to organize a formal organization to bring the college and secondary personnel together with a single purpose to serve students in their transition from high school to college.
The first sustained and lively discussion to found the Kentucky Association of College Admission Counselors (KACAC) took place at a meeting of the Southern association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers (SACRAO).  SACRAO is a regional affiliate of the American Association of collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO), which has cooperated in many projects of national interest with the National Association of College Admission Counselors (NACAC).  The NACAC family of associations has always included secondary and college personnel, while the AACRAO membership includes admissions officers, registrars, and a few closely related collegiate professions.  This difference in basic membership structure was primary concern of the KACAC founders.
Although AACRAO has always conducted programs for college/school relations, its programs for student recruitment and admissions have dealt with the principles of what we now know as enrollment management.  NACAC is well known for the widely used Principles of Good Practice, which resulted from the cooperative efforts of secondary and college counseling and admissions personnel.  While AACRAO dealt with secondary school personnel through publications and contacts with college admissions officers, NACAC thrived on the leadership and participation of the secondary school counselors.  This basic difference was the motivating factor for the original group of KACAC founders.
A Meeting on the Terrace
In 1980, during the February meeting of SACRAO in Nashville, Tennessee, a group of Kentuckians went to the terrace lounge area for coffee and good conversation.  John Cook (Berea College) asked Ray Stines (University of Louisville) to join the group at one of the terrace tables.  All of the folks at the table, except Ray, represented private colleges in Kentucky.  John asked Ray for his opinion on whether it would be possible to sustain some type of organization affiliated with NACAC.  The primary issue was a potential conflict with the Kentucky Association to Promote College Admissions (KAPCA).  KAPCA was strongly driven by the public institutions admission officers who worked very hard to coordinate the “college night” schedule in Kentucky.  The public universities were concerned about the haphazard travel schedules for student recruiting and through KAPCA activity, hoped for better efficiency in use of travel funds.  The apprehension about the KAPCA-KACAC conflict was valid.  The initial efforts to found KACAC became a struggle between the “publics” and the “privates”.
Ray Stines was an active participant and member of NACAC, College Entrance Examination Board, and Southern ACAC.  John thought Ray’s commitment to starting KACAC would provide the beginning of support from public institutions.  Ray accepted this invitation to participate and became the primary crusader to found KACAC.  Fred Williams assured Ray that his institution, Kentucky State University, would be a member and supporter of KACAC.  Ray asked for support from friends at Northern Kentucky University, and the KACAC idea immediately had commitments from three state universities.
Ray contacted Charlie Marshall, Executive Director of NACAC, and Charlie pledged his full support and guidance for the group engaged in trying to start and develop the state affiliate.  Appreciating the found group’s efforts, Charlie continued to offer support, encouragement, information and advice to the group.
The Official K.A.C.A.C. Car
During the early years of planning for founding the Kentucky affiliate of the National Association of College Admission counselors, Ray Stines drove his MG Midget from school to school seeking support and asking prospective members to pay $10 dues for the yet-to-be state professional association.  Because he often traveled at his own expense, and since the Midget got over thirty miles per gallon, Ray drove it while visiting secondary schools and colleges to seek a membership commitment from counselors and admissions officers. 
Occasionally, recruitment was combined with a professional conference or committee meeting, which called for an overnight stay. The little MG could attract the attention of car thieves, so Ray needed a special parking spot, or a place to stash the car for the evening.  During trips to the Owensboro area, Ray stayed at the Executive Inn, and MG Midget stayed at the home of Dick Button, Director of Admissions at Kentucky Wesleyan College.  Ray would leave the car at the button’s house, run back to the Executive Inn, and then reverse the trip the next morning to retrieve the car.  The role of the MG Midget is only one of many that contributed to the successful struggle to found and establish the viable organization we now know as the Kentucky Association of Secondary and college Admission Counselors.
The Founding Committee

Realizing the need for broad-based support to start a new organization, Ray and John solicited the help of several secondary and post-secondary school officers.  This group was organized into the official Steering committee to develop a proposal for a charter from NACAC.  At the risk of omitting some names, a recollection of persons who served at one time or another included the following people.  Names and schools are listed as of the date for the committee.

Wanita Binder, Holy Rosary Academy Elaine Larson, Midway College 
Ginger Brown, University of Louisville Gary Martin, Henry Clay High School
Greg Burwinkle, Newport Central Catholic Bo McCreary, Estill County High School
Prudie Campbell, Lexington Catholic High School  Dennis Daugherty, Ft. Thomas Highlands High School
Cynthia Castleman, Kentucky Country Day School  Don Popelar, Ft. Thomas Highlands High School
 John Cook, Berea College  Carolyn Quire, Pleasure Ridge Park High School
 Richard Cooper, Desales High School  Bob Sarver, Anderson County High School
 Bro. Giles Crowell, St. Xavier High School  Mike DeLong, Transylvania University
 Cathy Grady, Thomas Moore College  Ray Stines, Chair, University of Louisville
 Tom Grunwald, Sayre School  
This group, and others who helped at various times, developed a request for a state charter from NACAC.  At the 1980 National Conference, NACAC President, Ann Fritz presented the charter.  Elaine Larson received the charter on behalf of Ray Stines, who had submitted the charter request.  In 1981, Ray was presented the NACAC Executive Board Award for “his contribution with creating the Kentucky Association of College Admission Counselors”.
The Silent Partners
In addition to individuals who served in office and on committees, there were other members who played an essential role in the founding and growth of KASCAC.  These members provided support by becoming dues paying members and by demonstrating their commitment to professional awareness.  They attended all meetings and set examples of professionalism for others who needed assurance the KACAC was a viable and worthwhile venture.  Peggy Hubbard (Conner High), Audrey Tolbert (Boone County), and Jane Stevenson (Daviess County), never accepted organizational office, but they hosted professional programs and attended meetings to support the development and growth of the Association.  Greg Burwinkle (Newport Catholic) and Dennis Daugherty (Fort Thomas Highlands) were also strong supporters of the early KACAC.
From the Collegiate ranks, KACAC received the dedication and professional contributions of Elaine Larson (Midway College), Mike DeLong (Transylvania), and Fred Williams (Kentucky State University).  Elaine extended the Midway hospitality for numerous executive and program committee meetings, which provided a central location for enhancing member participation.
The steering committee appointed an executive board and dissolved itself.  They conducted a membership drive following up on contacts Ray had made earlier and contacts initiated by members of the board.  The newly formed by-laws called for an annual meeting in March, but when March 1981 rolled around there were too few members to hold the meeting.  Thus, all the officers remained in positions and embarked upon the second year.  Ray Stines was the first president of KACAC and had the dubious distinction of being president for two consecutive years, 1980-81, and 1981081.  In order to get the next 4 people to serve in the office of President, Ray had to promise to help them.
Outside the association, a few cooperative hotel and convention personnel contributed greatly to KACAC’S effort to form and grow.  The first annual conference was held at the Galt House Hotel with seventy-two members and guests in attendance.  KACAC was not a wealthy organization, but with the help of Doris Zipperle (Galt House Sales Office) and Pat Kennedy (Louisville Convention and Visitors Bureau), the first meeting was nothing short of “big-time”.  The attendance was greater than expected, and Charlie Marshall, Executive Director of NACAC, came to lend his support to the meeting.  Program sessions dealt with admissions and recruiting issues, the Principles of Good Practice, and included a session by a guest speaker who shared ideas about the successful coordination of high school/college day/night programs in Arkansas. 
KACAC Begins to Grow
The first annual meeting manifested the viability of KACAC and gave its founders confidence that the effort was not in vain.  KACAC was a reality and would become the main channel for professional cooperation among secondary and post secondary institutions in Kentucky.  In 1982, no one really perceived that in 1990 KACAC, now KASCAC, with Carolyn Quire as its President would host a national conference of NACAC with over two thousand people in attendance.  Brother Giles Crowell, St. Xavier High School, gave a beautiful invocation, which stirred comment throughout the meeting.  This was one of several memorable moments and events that earned praises from those in attendance, and accolades for the work of a new and still comparatively small state organization.

Each year beginning 1981-81, KACAC sponsored a series of Articulation Workshops at various locations around the state.  The workshops were specifically designed to address topics of interest for personnel in secondary school counseling and college admissions counseling.  One of the first KACAC Articulation Workshops was held in Owensboro and featured a presentation by staff at Daviess County High School where substantial progress had been made in developing a Pre-College curriculum.  This new curriculum provided a ready topic for discussion.  Another workshop was hosted by Midway College and featured a thorough analysis of what constitutes a useable high school transcript.  Ray Stines presented a session about the future of college admission.  

On to the Transition

The work of the founders was fruitful in a large part because of the later transitional work of two people.  First, Tim Burcham was instrumental in the merger of the Kentucky Association for the Promotion of College Admissions (KAPCA), with KACAC.  This merger erased the duplication of effort and gave former KAPCA members a stronger relationship with the secondary school members of KACAC.  KAPCA and KACAC voted to mere at the Spring Conference in 1986.  It brought more leadership potential and some funding, but most importantly it eliminated the division and replaced it with cooperation.  Ray also stated that from the beginning of the organization, the officers were to alternate between secondary schools and colleges and universities.  Secondly, Carolyn Quire’s leadership brought KACAC from the “founding years” to the current era of increased professionalism, strength, and growth.  Carolyn sought and received support from the corporate world and encouraged involvement of both college and secondary counselors.  The emerging leadership, the growth of the association and the service provided to students give the “Founders” satisfaction in knowing that their early work was fully worthwhile.

Presidents of KACAC:  

1980-81 Ray Stines, University of Louisville  1986-87 Tom Grunwald, Lexington Sayre School
1981-82 Ray Stines, University of Louisville 1987-88 John Cook, Berea College
1982-83 Gary Martin, Henry Clay High School 1988-89 Don Popelar, Ft. Thomas Highlands High School
1983-84 Richard Button, Kentucky Wesleyan College 1989-90 Debbie Ladwig, Northern Kentucky University
1984-85 Cynthia Castleman, Kentucky Country Day School 1990-91 Carolyn Quire, Pleasure Ridge Park High School 
1985-86 Topper Criscillis, Cumberland College 1991-92 John “Buck” Rogers, Centre College
Transformation Years -- The Move to KASCAC

At the Annual Spring Conference in March, 1992, the name of the organization was changed from KACAC (Kentucky Association of College Admission Counselors) to KASCAC (Kentucky Association of Secondary and College Admission Counselors).  This was done because the secondary counselors wanted to be recognized as an active part of this organization.  The By-laws recommended that the office of President rotate yearly between college and secondary counselors.

Presidents of KASCAC:

1992-93 Dennis Vessels, Brescia College 2001-02 Bertha Warner, Union County High School
1993-94 Prudie Campbell, Lexington Catholic 2002-03 Robert McDermott, Thomas More College
1994-95 Randy Mills, University of Kentucky 2003-04 Dian Graham-Fuller, Ballard High School
1995-96 Jack Geary, Louisville Collegiate School 2004-05 Rebecca Groh, Transylvania University
1996-97 Laronystine Dyson, Berea College/Kentucky State University 2005-06 Elaine Salvo, Assumption High School
1997-98 Paul Radke, Murray State University 2006-07 Donna Robbins, University of Louisville
1998-99 Gail Brown, Valley High School 2007-08 Jennifer Martin, Trinity High School
1999-00 Mike Konopski, Georgetown College 2008-09 Jason Hedrick, University of Kentucky
2000-01 Doris Clark-Parham, Murray State University  

After several years when no articulation workshops were held, the secondary counselors requested that KACAC resume having these workshops.  Under the new name of KASCAC, the first articulation workshop which was later changed to CCIE (College/Counselor Information Exchange) was held at Transylvania University in 1995.  John Gaines, Director of Admissions at Transylvania was chair at this event.  In 1996 CCIE was held at Centre College in Danville, Kentucky.  Pam Taylor was chairperson of this event.  As the membership continued to grow, the 1997 CCIE was again held at Centre College with Pam Taylor Baughman as chair, but we were crowded for space.  KASCAC also held a CCIE in Western Kentucky at Murray State University.  Due to the lack of support from the counselors in that area, the Western Kentucky CCIE workshop was discontinued and the current CCIE is held at one site.  Georgetown College hosted the 1998 CCIE at their new conference facility.  Due to record numbers of attendees, we had to find a larger area for this information exchange. Jenny Sawyer, Director of Admissions at the University of Louisville and her admissions staff graciously offered to host the CCIE at the Papa John’s Football Stadium in the Brown & Williamson Room in 1999, 2000, 2001 and again in 2002.  The location, parking facilities, and the Brown & Williamson Room were ideal for holding this workshop.
In 1996-97, under the leadership of President-Elect Paul Radke from Murray State University, the annual conference was expanded to 2 and 1/2 days and was held in Owensboro, Kentucky at the Executive Inn Hotel.  The organization adopted a fiscal policy and the fiscal year was changed from July 1 to June 30.  The first Bus O’Fun Tour for high school counselors toured colleges in Kentucky and surrounding states.  Paul Radke from Murray State University continues to chair this event.
With Gail Brown, a secondary guidance counselor at Jeffersontown High School and President-elect, the 1997-98 2 and 1/2 day Conference was held in Louisville, Kentucky in March at the Marriott East hotel.  Several by-laws revisions were presented to the membership at the general membership meeting and passed by a vote of the membership.  The 1997-98 Conference was the first time KASCAC chose to recognize the contributions of a past president and current active member, Carolyn Quire, by naming the Carolyn Quire Service Award in her honor.  This award will be presented annually at the spring conference to a secondary counselor who has been outstanding in helping students and parents in making the transition from high school to higher education and who has made important contributions to the KASCAC organization.  The first award went to Gail Brown, counselor from Jeffersontown High School, Louisville, Kentucky, who was the current President Elect and had also served as Professional Development Chair.  The second award was presented in 1999 to Joan Giancola, counselor at Butler Traditional High School in Louisville, Kentucky and former Member At Large.  In 2000, the award was given to Prudie Campbell, counselor at West Jessamine High School, a former Past President and currently Admissions Practices Chairperson, in 2001 Dian Graham-Fuller, a counselor at Ballard High School, Louisville, Kentucky, a former Membership Chair and Member at Large and in 2002, Sue Ruddy, counselor at Tates Creek High School, Lexington, Kentucky, a former secretary of KASCAC and Member At Large was the recipient.
The 1998-99 Conference was held in Lexington, Kentucky at the Marriott Griffin Gate Hotel.  President Elect Mike Konopski, Admissions Director at Georgetown College was the conference chair.  Gail Brown, KASCAC President, presented the first James Les Grigsby Service Award, named in honor of Les Grigsby, a former Director of Admissions at Eastern Kentucky University who served the KASCAC organization for many years as Treasurer.  This award will be presented to recognize a college/university counselor who has been outstanding in helping students and their parents in the transition process from high school to higher education and who has made important contributions to the KASCAC organization.  Paul Radke from Murray State University, a KASCAC Past President, Membership Chair and Chairperson of the Bus O’Fun Tour, received the first award.  Kelly Sullivan, Associate Director of Admissions at the University of Kentucky, a former KASCAC Member At Large, Government Relations Chairperson and current College Day/Night Committee Chair, received the 2nd award in 2000.  Doris Clark-Parham, Director of the AIMS Program at Murray State University and formerly with the School Relations Office, a former Human Relations Chair, and a Past President of KASCAC received the award in 2001.  The 2002 recipient was Brad Goan, Director of the Robinson Scholars Program at the University of Kentucky and current KASCAC Professional Development Chair.
The 1998-99 Conference presented the first Human Relations Award to a KASCAC member who promoted cultural diversity within the organization.  The first recipient in 1998-99 was Jack Geary, KASCAC Past President and a member of the National Association for College Admission Counselors Human Relations Committee.  Grant Talbott, Admissions Counselor at Owensboro Community college, received the 1999-2000 Human Relations Award, Rhonda Webb, an Admissions Counselor at Northern Kentucky University and a former KASCAC secretary received the 2000-01 Human Relations Award, and Joe Bagnoli, Director of Admissions at Berea College, a former Treasurer of KASCAC, was the recipient of the award at the 2001-02 conference.
In addition to these awards, the KASCAC Executive Board wanted to recognize members of the organization who had been helpful and contributed to the association throughout the years by presenting them with a LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP.  Carolyn Quire and Ray Stines were the first to be honored as Lifetime Members.  In 1999-2000, Leonard Brown and Jack Geary were presented with lifetime memberships.  The 2001 Conference presented a Lifetime Membership Award to Gail Brown.
The 1998-99 year saw the development of an Active Retired members (ARM) Committee with Carolyn Quire as the chairperson implemented as an ad hoc committee.  This committee would help with the recruitment of members for KASCAC and would be available to help with KASCAC sponsored activities.  An added responsibility would be to put together a history of the KASCAC organization.  The recommendation was made at the 2001 Conference to make this a standing committee and the members voted to accept this recommendation at the general membership meeting.
In 1999, President Doris Clark-Parham announced the beginning of the President’s Grant to help members with the expenses of attending the annual conference.  This grant also provided help to new counselors who wanted to attend the national NACAC conference.
In the fall of 2000, the Professional Development Committee under the direction of Brad Goan, Associate Director of Admissions at the University of Kentucky, and Diane Crouch, counselor at Tates Creek High School, designed a New Secondary Counselor Workshop to help new counselors understand their role in working with students in the transition from high school to higher education.  During the workshop, new counselors ere able to see how the Admissions and Scholarship committees at the college/university level worked, how a high school counseling office was organized in order o provide college counseling services to students, and were provided the opportunity to network with experienced guidance counselors in small groups.  This workshop also provided the attendees with Effective Leadership Credit.  The workshop was held on the University of Kentucky Campus, Transylvania University Campus, and at Tates Creek High School.  As a result of the excellent evaluations this workshop received, KASCAC continued to offer this workshop to the new members of our organization in 2001.
Many KASCAC members have been appointed to serve on committees at the national level in NACAC.  Several of our members have been presenters at the national conference and have served on the faculty for NACAC sponsored workshops, such as the Counselors of Color workshop.  Doris Clark-Parham has been a prominent leader in many of these workshops and the nominating committee from NACAC had nominated Doris to run for the office of President-Elect of NACAC for 2002-03.  The election will be held at the NACAC Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah in September.  Due to the growth of the KASCAC organization through membership and programs offered for our members, our state association is recognized as one of the outstanding affiliates in the NACAC organization.
With the implementation of the College Day/Night committee, 2 1/2 day annual conference, adoption of a fiscal policy, annual CCIE (College/Counselor Information Exchange), Human Relations Committee, New Secondary Counselor Workshop, implementation of the Active Retired Members Committee, and the President’s Grant, continued growth as an association focused on providing services to the professionals involved in counseling students and their parents in the transition from high schools to higher education.  Only through the continued volunteer efforts of our members have we continued to meet the professional needs of individuals in admission procedures through research, communication and sharing of resources.  The effectiveness of the association has relied upon the volunteer services of our membership. 

2009 - Present -- KYACAC

On March 19, 2009, the organization officially changed its name to the Kentucky Association of College Admission Counseling – KYACAC.

Presidents of KYACAC
2009-10 James Brown, Woodford County High School
2018-19 Allie Kerns, Trinity High School
2010-11 Kim Chaffer-Schroeder, Transylvania University 2019-20 Johnnie Johnson, Transylvania University
2011-12 Ingrid Allen, Lexington Catholic/Transylvania University 2020-21 Jasmine Drinkard, Male High School
2012-13 Roslyn White, Murray State University 2021-22 Aimee Huffstetler, University of Louisville
2013-14 Danny Easley, Kentucky Country Day  2022-23 William "Billy" Sarge, St. Henry District High School
2014-15 Chris Reeves, Beechwood High School 2023-24 Kendrick Quisenberry, Murray State University
2015-16 Tye Mortensen Northern Kentucky University 2024-25 Stephanie Dickerson, University of Louisville

2016-17 David DeWitt, Centre College

2017-18 Joel Ford, Conner High School


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